Sunday, April 19, 2009
An Interesting Easter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Semana Santa
It was a good week and I feel like we were able to learn more about the culture. My observation was that the focus of the traditions was more on the death of Christ and other things, rather than a celebration of the Resurrection of our Savior. I am happy to say that at our church we did celebrate the Resurrection and Jesus was definitely the focus!
On another note, I tried to make some deviled eggs at our lunch from the eggs we colored and had a bad experience. When I took a very tiny taste to see if they were salted correctly, I found the eggs had a distinct fish flavor...not good when it is supposed to be an egg. I decided to toss them in case they were bad..and after all, no one wants a fishy egg right? Well, I am happy I tossed them...for everyone else's sake (except Michelle who also tasted them for me...sorry Michelle!) I was up sick the entire night Sunday vomiting...literally every hour. It was horrible and really my first time of being really sick here. Thank you to all who prayed for me. I had to stay in bed all day yesterday to recover but was able to go to school today and feel a ton better!
Tomorrow and Thursday and Friday we are having a retreat with our entire Extreme Team. Your prayers for a time of refreshment, unity and growth would be very much appreciated!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A cure for sunburn...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Kai's Birthday Party at the Dinosaur Park!
Kai working hard to blow out "all" his candles
Posing with the dinos
A birthday collage...Thank you to all who came and made this a special day for Kai!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Kai turns 2 in Peru!
When we got home from ice cream we had a wonderful dinner with our host family (yes, we let Kai have ice cream before dinner...it's his bday after all). We had fried chicken and french fries...very American and very yummy. After dinner they brought out this beautiful cake our host sister, Regine, had made. After every meal Kai loves playing with Regine and lately has been loving her Mickey Mouse stuffed animals....so it was very sweet that Mickey was on top of his cake. We feel so thankful that they made Kai's birthday so special for him!
Here is Regine and Renato encouraging Kai to take a bite out of his cake:)
And here is our family singing to Kai
After dinner...and many stories and songs...and after what was supposed to be bedtime...all the sugar came back to bite us! We found Kai in our room with the bottle of lotion...with lots of it on his head:) It was too funny to be very mad and we decided to take a picture. He's transitioned quickly to a two-year-old!It was a fun day celebrating Kai's birthday. We missed being with friends and family but we are blessed to have the friends and family we have here to celebrate special days with! We are excited to have a fiesta for Kai on Saturday with some of his friends here in Peru!