Our family is in Peru for two years to serve with Extreme Nazarene. We are living in the jungle city of Puerto Maldonado supporting our team of 8 missionaries as 12 churches are planted here in 18 months! Please keep checking in to keep up on our our ministry and adventures in Peru!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Extreme Retreat

Two weeks ago we had a retreat with our whole Extreme team. It was three days of fellowship, challenging conversations, tons of information and we fit some fun in there too. It was perfect timing, a much needed break from language school and time to refocus. My favorite part was hearing Brian's (our Director) heart, the history of Extreme and to be reminded of our vision and purpose here. I know I have had it on here before but I wanted to post our mission statement again:

The purpose of EXTREME is to seek and deploy people into an extreme global expansion of the Kingdom of God by prayerfully and thoughtfully engaging the specific talents, skills, experience and resources God has given them and to further develop them into permanent full-time constructors of the Kingdom.

I love that the goal of Extreme is not only to change the world for Christ, but to change the individuals doing that works as well. I feel blessed to be a part of this ministry and are thankful for all of you that are a part of it as well. Some of you are down here in Peru long term--thank you for your commitment, giving your life and the fellowship you provide here. Some of you are coming down for as short term volunteers--thank you for the hard work you will do, building churches, our home, loving the people we have come to love and making an extreme impact in a short amount of time. Some of you are generously donating financially--thank you, there is absolutely no way we could be here without your support, every one of you has been an answer to prayer and God has used you as an encouragement and confirmation that we are doing what He has for us. Some of you are supporting us in prayer--thank you for your commitment to pray for us, for your encouraging words and faithfulness, your prayers are so precious to us. Thank you to all for your part in our work down here...each of you in your own way are making an Extreme impact in expanding the Kingdom.

Friday was our fun day and the only day I brought my camera for. We had a relay at a military training camp...not a very clean pool...many things were found on the bottom that you would never find in a pool in the US...broken glass and a dirty sock to name a few. I am happy to report our team won...go 40/40s! Afterwards we went "carting" which was basically go carts...but with no safety features;)

Wendy & Callie searching in the pool for our keys

Our team putting together the church plant board...all the stages of a church plant...and in Spanish, way to go team!

Our team after our victory:)

A group getting ready for a race

Tyson taking a corner...
Cheering each other on

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Missing you guys! I hope you had a great birthday last week, Tyson!
